artificial intelligence, personal data protection, GDPR, automated data processing, data processing minimization, transparency.Abstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly advancing, relying on vast amounts of data in order to evolve and provide innovative services. AI has found applications in practically all sectors of the economy, as well as in everyday life, while the fuel driving its growth is the exploitation of various types of data. Among these, personal data holds the most significant position, and its processing must comply with the Personal Data Protection Act, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With the adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation, which came into effect on August 1, 2024, new regulatory frameworks have been established for the development and use of AI systems within the European Union. Although these laws are specific to different aspects of data processing, their application in the context of artificial intelligence inevitably overlaps, presenting legal challenges for both AI system providers and users. When it comes to personal data, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) remains the highest legal authority in the European Union. However, to ensure compliance when deploying AI systems, it is important to apply both regulations.
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