Non-compete clause, duty to comply with the non-compete clause, financial compensation, employment relationship, employer, employee.Abstract
The subject of this paper is the analysis of financial compensation as a condition for agreeing to a non-compete clause upon the termination of employment. The research aims to examine various issues that may arise concerning this topic, including financial compensation as a requirement for the validity of a non-compete clause with legal effects after employment ends, and the justification for omitting monetary compensation as a requirement for enforcing a non-compete clause during the term of employment. Additionally, it addresses questions related to the negotiation or non-negotiation of compensation and its amount, disproportionate compensation, and methods and timelines for payment. The analysis of these issues will proceed through a detailed examination of current legal provisions governing the subject, supported by theoretical discourse and comparative legal analysis of specific aspects pertinent to the topic. Under the Labor Law, the stipulation of compensation and its amount constitutes a mandatory condition for the agreeing of a non-compete clause with legal effect upon the termination of employment. Nevertheless, practical complexities and varying interpretations in application underscore the need for further investigation into this area.
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