green economy, social inclusion, strategy, sustainable development, Green Agenda, Western Balkan, European Union.Abstract
The green economy represents a postmodern concept of the comprehensive inclusion of the environment in projects of sustainable economic development. It is emerging as a new paradigm for improving economic growth, while simultaneously reducing the consumption of natural resources and preventing ecosystem devastation. Economic prosperity must incorporate social connotations embodied in improving the health of the population, social justice, employment and protection of the living environment. This is particularly important for the countries of the Western Balkans, which are poor but with huge potential for the implementation of green economy, sustainable development and ecological entrepreneurship. The current undertaking is based on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in line with the European Green Deal, which includes five areas: decarbonisation, circular economy, pollution reduction, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity. The aim of the work is to show possible modalities of balance between economic progress and social inclusion in the context of enviromental protection. The mentioned elements affect the economic, political and social stability. The results of the research point to new directions for achieving social development with a greater number of possible solutions for overcoming controversies, where meaningful and competent involvement of EU bodies and state institutions is required...
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